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Hemp and Animal Feed White Paper Available

PanXchange looks at hemp's role and opportunities in the animal feed industry

Hemp plant VIA PIXABAY OCT 2021

PanXchange offers its white paper, Hemp and Animal Feed, which provides detailed insight into hemp feed ingredients and their real-world potential as a feed ingredient.

Meal and oil are typically what comes to mind for an oilseed’s feed ingredients, but hemp grain should also be considered for its nutritional value and production potential.

PanXchange drafted this paper with the purpose of providing sound actionable information for growers and agribusinesses to use when entertaining hemp for their own operations.

The report provides actionable data for both feeders, mills, brokers, merchandisers and growers by encompassing hemp’s nutritional, agronomic, and economic factors within the analysis.

Hemp is compared with competing ingredients, such as soy and alfalfa, from both the grower and buyer perspective in order to illustrate hemp’s short- and long-term viability.

Hemp and Animal Feed is designed for:

  • Growers (grain & forage)
  • Feeders (in order of current applicability: aquaculture, equine, companion animals, pets, non-food, dairy, poultry/layers, bovine, porcine)
  • Feed Mills
  • Ingredient Manufacturers
  • Merchandisers/Brokers

The following hemp ingredients are covered within Hemp and Animal Feed:

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