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GEAPS: Making an Impact

Shaping the grain industry's past and future

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The Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS) has been a fixture in the grain industry for the past 90 years.

We started as a resource for elevator superintendents and have expanded to all levels of the industry around the world. Being new to the organization and the industry, it’s been very exciting for me to meet the people who make up the association. Since my first day, I have been regaled with stories and anecdotes about the impact GEAPS has made.

Dave Kushnier in Vancouver relayed how AGT learned from GEAPS about an energy credit program available from the British Columbia government that allowed the company to save $200,000 when replacing a compressor.

Scott Brittingham in Delaware told me about how he engaged the GEAPS network to quickly find replacement parts for Mountaire Farms Inc., saving more than a week’s downtime over relying solely on the equipment manufacturer. Tom Runyon from Illinois spoke about the number of people he has met, the relationships he’s built and the customers he has made with Seedburo Equipment Co. throughout the years.

I am sure there are thousands more stories out there. We’ve never quantified the overall impact GEAPS makes on the industry until now. Thanks to a recent engagement survey, we have started to define the importance of GEAPS membership. Based on the survey data, we have real, tangible outcomes for our members and their companies. Some highlights from the initial data:

  • GEAPS members are 33% less likely to be involved in a lost-time accident than nonmembers.
  • 87% of regular members have learned something through GEAPS that has saved their company money — at an average of $200,000/person.
  • 80% of associate members have found new customers because of GEAPS.
  • 85% of members have personally benefited from their membership through work promotion, new employment, education and more.
  • 87% of members indicate that GEAPS makes them feel more connected to the grain industry.

We’ve built some incredible tools from our professional development programs to our GEAPS Exchange Expo. As we look to the future, we are planning for growth, both in reach and impact. We will not be your father’s GEAPS. ■

Steve Records joined GEAPS as executive director in July 2019. Prior to joining the association, Records was vice president of operations at SCORE, a nonprofit organization of volunteer small-business mentors. He has previously worked at the Gallup Organization and Nalco Company. Visit for more information.

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